Department Overview

“Physiology of today is medicine of tomorrow”- Starling

Physiology is the branch of biology relating to the function of organs and organ systems, and how they work within the body to respond to challenges. It covers life from the single cell, where it overlaps with biochemistry and molecular biology, through questions about how individual organs work (e.g. heart, lungs, kidneys) right up to the whole-organism level, where physiologists tackle questions about hormonal influences on behaviour and the function of the brain.

Physiology therefore has something to say about every aspect of life: our integrated approach makes physiologists invaluable contributors in studies ranging from genetics to psychology. Physiology deals with the function and malfunction of parts of the human body with reference to health and disease (areas relating to medicine).

The Department Aims:

  • To provide a course of basic physiology, introducing dental students to the principles of normal biological function in a wide range of organisms
  • To prepare students for subsequent understanding of the physiology of human body and its normal functioning
  • To develop practical physiological skills and its subsequent application in clinical medicine
  • To develop the idea of doing basic research and interpreting it with clinical medicine


  • G Gajalakshmi S READER & HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Read More

    NameG Gajalakshmi S